Report claims anti-Hindu hatred flourishing in British schools

Report claims anti-Hindu hatred flourishing in British schools

LONDON: A new report by the Henry Jackson Society has uncovered what it claims are details of anti-Hindu hatred in British schools with Hindu children mocked for worshipping multiple deities and the sacrality of the cow, called “kaffir” by Muslim pupils and blamed for the caste system and social ills in India.
Hindu kids are also being held responsible for events in India or the actions of the Indian state in the same way Jews face prejudice for the actions of Israel, the report titled “Anti-Hindu Hate in Schools” claims. It is authored by Charlotte Littlewood and based on interviews with 998 Hindu parents.
Parents complained of very poor quality teaching of Hinduism in British schools where Hinduism is often still taught through an Abrahamic lens with a focus on the caste system, which was directly leading to bullying of Hindu students, the report said.
One parent noted that “religious education taught at school regarding Hinduism is pretty much a mockery of the religion”.
“Despite the British rule in India over 400 years, their lack of knowledge of Hinduism in the indigenous British people is overwhelming. They do not understand our deities and this causes our children to suffer at school,” another parent said.
Hindu children were mocked for being vegetarian and for their religious practices. One girl had beef thrown at her because she was Hindu. A Muslim told a Hindu child if they converted to Islam “the bullying will stop”, the report said.
The report quotes one parent as saying: “My child has faced bullying from other children on many occasions specifically after PM Modi’s rise in India and after Article 370 was revoked.”One baffled child was asked: “Why you people break our mosque, why you people attack us?”
“Lots of bullying from other pupils about different gods and even shaming my children about caste system and Modi. Some children told my children to watch videos of Zakir Naik and convert because Hinduism makes no sense,” another parent said, according to the report.
In another a Christian child said to a Hindu kid: “Jesus will send your gods to hell.” Some Hindu children refused to attend school because of the bullying.
Of the Hindu parents surveyed, 51% reported that their child has experienced anti-Hindu hate in schools and only 19% of parents thought their schools could identify it.
In one case an RE teacher said that “sati pratha” was part of Hinduism, which led to the child being alienated, the report said. In another case a Hindu child was accused of being a Nazi because of the use of the swastika in Hindu symbolism.
One RE teacher told the class that Hitler was inspired by the Indian caste system.Parents reported there was no serious engagement with Hindu philosophers and theologians and instead classroom books showed Hindu rituals in a poor light. Children are taught that Hindus worship “330 million gods”, “elephants and monkeys” or “idols”.
This is the first study of its kind looking into anti-Hindu hate in the UK and follows reports into the Leicester unrest last year which found thata fake narrative about Hindutva triggered much of the violence against Hindus. It comes as a group of 25 Christian inmates are planning legal action against the Prison Service for failing to protect them from violent Islamist gangs. Lawyers for the prisoners say wardens have allowed the groups to take control because they fear being accused of racism.

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