Orkney: Feeling neglected, UK’s Orkney mulls joining Norway; Sunak govt says no

Orkney: Feeling neglected, UK's Orkney mulls joining Norway; Sunak govt says no

LONDON: Britain’s Orkney Islands, an archipelago about 10 miles off the north coast of Scotland, is considering “alternative forms of governance” which could include becoming part of Norway, its council leader said on Monday. Orkney, made up of about 70 islands and with a population of 22,000 people, was considering its future after being financially neglected by the Scottish and British governments for years, council leader James Stockan said.
Orkney’s historic Nordic connections give it options, Stockan believes. The islands were part of Norway for about 500 years until 1472 and he says Orcadians regularly ask him for a return to that country given the shared cultural affinity.
A row over funding for new ferries between the islands and Scotland has brought Orkney’s situation to a head. Stockan has proposed a motion for the council to “explore options for alternative models of governance that give greater fiscal security and economic opportunity”. Councillors will decide whether to back it or not on Tuesday. Among the options as well as rejoining Norway are other British arrangements, like becoming a crown dependency, the system of government in the Channel Islands, or a model like the Faroe Islands, a self-governing part of Denmark.
The UK, however, on Monday rejected the possible break away bid. “First and foremost, there is no mechanism for the conferral of Crown dependency or overseas territory status on any part of the UK,” PM Rishi Sunak‘s spokesman told reporters. “But fundamentally, we are stronger as one UK, we have no plans to change that,” he added.
In 2014, Scotland rejected ending the more than 300-year-old union with England in a referendum. Orkney has since looked at strengthening its autonomy. From the late 1970s, large volumes of Britain’s North Sea oil have been processed on Orkney, but the island has not seen sufficient benefits, Stockan said. With new opportunities from offshore wind farms, he wants the islands to see a greater return. Stockan wasn’t clear about how Orkney’s return to Norway, 250 miles across the North Sea, would work.
Norway’s foreign ministry made no comment on the matter, saying this is a domestic British matter.

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