Scientist: Google dedicates doodles to American scientist Eunice Newton Foote, and Sudanese musician Asma Hamza

Scientist: Google dedicates doodles to American scientist Eunice Newton Foote, and Sudanese musician Asma Hamza

NEW DELHI: Google on Monday celebrated the 204th birthday of American scientist and women’s rights activist Eunice Newton Foote, and Sudanese composer and oud player Asma Hamza, through separate dedicated doodles.
Foote discovered greenhouse effect and its role in the warming of Earth’s climate, while Asma, on this day in 1997, won the Laylat AlQadr AlKubra music competition in Sudan. The win for Asma was a turning point in her career and helped her gain recognition in a then male-dominated field.
Foote was born on this day in 1819 in Connecticut. She attended the Troy Female Seminary, a school that encouraged students to attend science lectures and participate in chemistry labs. While science became a lifelong passion for Foote, she also dedicated time to campaigning for women’s rights. In 1848, Foote attended the first Woman’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls. She was the fifth signatory of the Declaration of Sentiments—a document that demanded equality for women in social and legal status.
Footie established connection between CO2 and warming of atmosphere
At this time, women were widely shunned from the scientific community. Undeterred, Foote conducted experiments on her own. After placing mercury thermometers in glass cylinders, she discovered that the cylinder containing carbon dioxide experienced the most significant heating effect in the sun. Foote was ultimately the first scientist to make the connection between rising carbon dioxide levels and the warming of the atmosphere.
After Foote published her findings, she produced her second study on atmospheric static electricity in the journal Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. These were the first two physics studies published by a woman in the US. Around 1856, a male scientist presented her work at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Those discussions led to further experiments which uncovered what is known as the Greenhouse effect—when gasses like carbon dioxide trap heat from the sun, the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere gradually rises.
Asma one of the first female composers in Sudan
Asma was born in 1932. Although she wanted to become a singer, she was not well-equipped, and switched to whistling. When her father heard her whistle in harmony, he borrowed an oud, similar to a lute but with a thinner neck and no frets, so Asma could practice.
She taught herself how to play songs she heard on the oud, from her own memory and ear for music. Her father encouraged her musical career from the start, but he was one of few. At that time, it was not socially acceptable for women to create music in Sudan. Asma’s composed her piece in secret.
As she got older, she composed more melodies for several talented Arab artists and was known as one of the first female composers in Sudan. She also continued brushing her oud skills and became one of the first formally trained woman oud player in 1946.en, Asma Hamza!

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