Will Russian President Vladimir Putin use nuclear weapons in Ukraine? What ChatGPT thinks

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NEW DELHI: When President Vladimir Putin ordered a full-scale invasion of Ukraine a year ago, most of the world expected Kyiv to fall within a few days and the superior Russian forces to prevail on the battlefield — something similar to Taliban’s lightening quick takeover of Afghanistan.
But a resiliant Kyiv under the leadership of Volodymyr Zelenskyy rewrote Putin’s script by putting up a brave front and is continously pushing back the Russian forces with the help of Western aid.
A year on, Putin’s “special military operation” in Ukraine has now turned into a major headache for Russia and the entire world. Meanwhile, both Ukraine and Russia after suffering heavy financial and human losses in the ongoing war.

Year of war in Ukraine has hit global economy

But the one trump card Putin always had over Ukraine is Russia’s vast arsenal of nuclear weapon.
Throughout the year, Putin has subtely, sometimes belligerently, resorted to nuclear brinkmanship to remind Ukraine and its western backers of Russia’s strength.
His statements prompted observers to speculate time and again whether Russia would actually use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. And if yes, then to what extent.
Moreover, Russia’s recent move to suspend its last remaining nuclear treaty with US also fuelled speculations of an atomic escalation.
For now, US thinks that Russia will not resort to nuclear use.
After his maiden visit to Ukriane since the invasion, US President Joe Biden criticised Putin’s move to halt the START treaty but stressed that there was no indication Moscow was moving closer to actually using an atomic weapon.
“It’s a big mistake to do that, not very responsible,” Biden told ABC News in Poland. “But I don’t read into that that he’s thinking of using nuclear weapons or anything like that,” the US president added, noting that he had seen “no evidence” of any change in posture on nuclear arms use by Moscow.
Amid the raging ‘will he, won’t he’ debate, we asked ChatGPT about the possibility of Putin using nuclear weapons in Ukraine and when the war is likely to end. Here’s what it said…
What will happen if Russia uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine?
The consequences of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine would be devastating and unpredictable. According to some experts, it would break the nuclear taboo after 77 years and lead to greater isolation of Russia and condemnation from the international community. It could also trigger a retaliatory nuclear strike from NATO or other countries, which would escalate the conflict and endanger millions of lives. It would also have severe environmental, economic, and humanitarian impacts on Ukraine and neighboring regions.

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Will Vladimir Putin use nuclear weapons against Ukraine?
There is no definitive answer to that question, but it is a very serious and dangerous possibility. Putin has vowed to defend Russian territory by any means necessary, including using nuclear weapons. He has also suspended a bilateral nuclear arms control treaty with the United States and boosted his nuclear forces. A nuclear strike in Ukraine would have devastating consequences for the region and the world.

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When is the war between Russia and Ukraine likely to end?
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to that question either. The war has been going on for a year now and there does not appear to be a clear end in sight. Some experts say that the war will likely drag on throughout 2023 and potentially beyond it. Others say that the war could end if there is a diplomatic breakthrough, a military victory, or a change of leadership. The international community has been trying to find a peaceful resolution, but so far without success.

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Conclusion: As per Open AI’s language model ChatGPT, there is “no definitive answer” to the question on whether Putin will resort to nuclear weapons in Ukraine. However, it said it is a “very serious and dangerous possibility”, seeing how Putin has “vowed to defend Russian territory by any means necessary”.
Interestingly, ChatGPT also noted Putin’s decision to suspend a bilateral nuclear arms control treaty with US.
Moreover, it added it’s hard predict when the war in Ukraine is likely to conclude, saying there does not appear to be a clear end in sight.

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