Union Budget 2023: Budget 2023 should clarify how a non-resident’s income from cryptocurrencies will be taxed

Union Budget 2023: Budget 2023 should clarify how a non-resident's income from cryptocurrencies will be taxed

Individuals who invest in Bitcoin while they are residents of India and then transfer/sell the same bitcoins in subsequent years when they have become non-residents may face challenges in understanding their income tax obligations. This is because Budget 2022 has failed to provide clarification in this regard

Last year, Budget 2022 introduced laws to tax the gains arising from the transfer of Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs) at a flat rate of 30%. VDAs include cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

Under current income tax laws, a resident individual pays tax on his global income, and a non-resident pays tax only on Indian income, which either arises or is received in India. An income is said to have nexus with India when it arises from running a business, property or assets, sources of income or transfer of capital assets situated in India. When VDAs are held as capital assets, the income from their transfer will be taxable in India if the situs (or location) of the VDA is in India.

However, determining the location of VDA is a difficult proposition because there is no permanent location where a cryptocurrency can be said to be located. When an individual becomes a non-resident in India and a resident of a foreign country with which India has signed a double taxation avoidance agreement (‘DTAA’), India may lose the right to tax the income from VDAs.
This is because many DTAAs give the right to tax capital gains (other than from immovable property and securities) to the resident country. Some examples are DTAAs signed with Singapore, Mauritius, and the UAE.

However, India reserves the right to tax every capital gain arising within its jurisdiction in some DTAAs. Some examples are DTAAs signed with the UK or the USA. However, to tax such capital gains, they should arise from a capital asset situated in India.

A capital asset is any property, whether immovable or movable. The movable property includes physical assets (like securities, paintings, drawings, and jewellery), financial assets like shares, mutual fund units and intangible assets (like intellectual property rights).VDAs can be categorised as intangible assets because, as per accounting guidance, these are an identifiable non-monetary asset that lacks physical substance. An asset is identifiable if it can be separated or arises from contractual or legal rights. It is considered separable if it can be sold, transferred, licensed, rented or exchanged either individually or in combination with a related contract, identifiable asset or liability.

The classification of VDA is now more precise, but the next question arises: Where is the physical location of an intangible asset?

The Courts have stated that the location of the owner of an intangible asset is the closest approximation of the location of the intangible asset unless local legislation dictates otherwise. As the Indian tax laws do not contain any explicit provision to determine the location of VDAs, the location of the intangible asset may be said to be the domicile of its owner.

If the owner of VDA is non-resident, then the income generated from its transfer cannot be taxed in India. This situation arises because such income cannot be said to have any nexus with India, although it is transferred through an Indian exchange. However, the taxability arises if the funds are received in an Indian bank account as it establishes the nexus of an income with India because receiving an income is one of the taxable events.

The government should clarify its stand in the upcoming budget by laying down the guidelines to determine the location of VDAs. To safeguard India’s right to levy tax on capital gains from VDAs, either the location could be linked to the location of exchange through which the VDAs are transferred or to the location of the private key or of the person who has control of the private key. Where a custodian or a trustee controls the private key, the location of the controller should determine the situs of the cryptocurrency.

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