“Gujarat has achieved a groundnut production of 42.19 lakh tonnes this year, surpassing the earlier record of 38.55 lakh tonnes set in 2021-22,” said SEA in a media release.
As per the government of Gujarat, groundnut was sown on 19.09 lakh hectares in the kharif 2024-25 season; up by 16.75% from 16.35 lakh hectares sown in the previous year.
The all India kharif acreage of groundnut is reported at 47.8 lakh hectares, as compared to 43.75 lakh hectares last year.
“The average yield per hectare in Gujarat has increased to 2210 kilogram per hectare against 2025 kilogram per hectares; up by 9.13%,” said SEA.
The Groundnut Promotion Council of SEA conducts the groundnut crop survey to assess the size and quality of the crop since last 15 years, said SEA. “Gujarat is expected to harvest 42.19 lakh tonnes of groundnut this year, which is up by 26 % compared to last year’s 33.45 lakh tonnes,” said SEA. The minimum support price (MSP) of groundnut is Rs 6,783 per quintal while current mandi price of good quality groundnut is still below the MSP at Rs 6,250 per quintal.
“The scattered showers in certain districts during the last few days have damaged the early sown crop, which is discounted while arriving the crop estimate,” said SEA, which plans to revise the estimates post Diwali as the ongoing showed may further damage the crop.