Some IPOs should never have happened. Those who invested in these only have themselves to blame

Some IPOs should never have happened. Those who invested in these only have themselves to blame

Since late 2021, when the parade of IPOs of the ‘New Age Technology Companies’ started, there has been a constant stream of investors complaining about these companies on social media. The theme of complaints is always the same, that investors who invested in these IPOs lost money. I find myself without much sympathy for these investors. Before the social media mob sets after me, let me clarify. I have been extremely critical of these companies’ IPOs.

However, I am just as critical of those who invested in these IPOs and are now complaining. These are two groups of people who were trying to ‘outgreed’ each other and one side won. It’s hard to have sympathy for either. Here’s what I mean by ‘outgreed’. The IPOs were unjustifiably priced. In fact, for the former digital stars like Paytm, Nykaa, Zomato et al, the IPOs themselves were unjustified. These companies relied on IPO investors’ greed being stronger than their good sense. Somewhere, the music stopped. That’s the way it is.

There were any number of people, both in the legacy media and on social media, who pointed out that these IPOs were not worthy of investments. I myself wrote in this newspaper and on Value Research Online. It was crystal clear that these were classic ‘greater fool’ investments. Punters went looking for a greater fool but all they found was a mirror. Hard luck. It has happened earlier, it’ll happen again. So why do companies come up with outrageous IPOs? Don’t tell anyone else this ‘secret’, but the real reason is that they want money.

Lots of money, as much of it as possible. Just like everyone else who’s in the markets. In the words of some Danny Devito character in some movie, “That’s why it’s called money.” As long as the rules and laws are followed, in letter if not in spirit, this is the way the game is played. Which brings us to the only real open question here—does there need to be some significant change in IPO-related rules so that such things do not happen? If one starts discussing rules and regulations, then no doubt one can come up with a large list of new and tight regulations that can attempt to ‘improve disclosures’, ‘tighten pricing’ or some such thing. These will all sound reasonable when discussed in isolation.

However, when I observe the actual behaviour of investors who refuse to invest in such IPOs and those who do, I doubt whether it will make any difference. When you fish out some month-old food from the back of the fridge, do you have to run an elaborate lab test to decide whether you should eat it? No! One sniff and into the garbage bin it goes. Similarly, for those who don’t invest, none of these IPOs pass even a cursory ‘smell test’. The moment you start reading about these IPOs, the rotting smell of their zombie financials fills the room.

But there are many other investors whose noses are blocked by the greed of finding the greater fool. So here’s the thing. The former group does not need any more facts and figures and the latter group will not be swayed no matter what the numbers say. That does not mean that regulations, disclosure etc can be ignored. Far from it. IPO companies and IPO managers are always trying to stretch the boundaries of what can be done and they must be kept on a tight leash. However, the problem of people investing in obviously overpriced IPOs and then crying buckets about it is something else entirely, and is probably not amenable to any technical or regulatory solution.

(The author is CEO, VALUE RESEARCH.)

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