These sacked Google employees are kickstarting new company: Report

Zuckerberg's Meta gearing up for more layoffs? This report suggests so

A former Google manager is in the process of setting up a new company along with six ex-Googlers, after they were laid off recently as part of the company’s restructuring plans. According to a report by Business Insider, Henry Kirk, who was in charge of the iOS and Android experience on Google services for the past eight years, was given the pink slip on January 20.

Kirk has set a deadline of six weeks to kickstart a design and development studio in New York and San Francisco. With an aim to complete the foundation for the new venture by the end of March and before the 60-day layoff notification period finishes, he is set to assume the role of a general managing partner.

The company aims to boost the growth and funding opportunities for startups, funding, take up engineering projects for businesses that don’t have the required experience, and provide design and research tools for other companies’ apps and websites. After being sacked last month, Kirk reportedly started a group chat for ‘moral support’ for other laid off team members. This initiative led to the idea of a startup as they all knew each other’s ‘strengths’ after working together for so long, Kirk said.

Although Kirk is not happy with how Google handled the layoffs, he is eager to bring in the search engine behemoth’s famed ‘positive’ work culture into his business. He shared that he became a better engineer and manager after working at the tech giant and considered it similar to attending ‘Google University’.

Google had recently announced the slashing of 12,000 jobs globally. In an internal mail to his employees, Alphabet chief executive officer Sundar Pichai said the job cuts were carried out in response to a changing ‘economic reality’. “We’ve undertaken a rigorous review across product areas and functions to ensure that our people and roles are aligned with our highest priorities as a company,” Pichai wrote.

Last week, as many as 453 people working for Google in India were laid off late at night. According to a report, the layoffs took place across various departments.

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